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GlobalSim Follows European Union Privacy Law, GDPR

In an age where digital marketing has taken precedence over print marketing, the European Union has set out a new plan to protect European citizens and grant them more control over their personal data. As of May 25, 2018, all businesses that collect data on citizens in all European countries must comply with the strict new rule issued by the European Union for protecting customer data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires any company doing business in Europe, to protect the personal data and privacy of all European customers and prospective clients. The types of privacy that GDPR protects includes: basic identity information such as name, address, location, cookie data, banking, and much more. In the spirit of GDPR, GlobalSim has sent emails to all past and current European contacts in their database to officially ‘opt-in’ to receiving any sort of marketing materials. Moving forward, all new contacts will be given the opportunity to ‘opt-in’ to the GlobalSim newsletter and marketing materials. “Whether clients enjoy our newsletters or simply like to download marketing information about our simulators, as always, we keep all information private and secure” exclaimed Brad Ball, Vice President of Marketing and Sales. GlobalSim follows the new regulation and are pleased to state they remain a trusted company in which personal information is treated with confidentiality and respect. “Like any healthy relationship, at GlobalSim, we also want to ensure the content we send your way lives up to what you expect from a trusted company” stated Ball. GlobalSim is exhibiting at the TOC Conference this year held in Europe June 12-14, and have already strategized a plan to ensure all prospective clients who request more information, ‘opt-in’ and are aware of the marketing information they have agreed to receive in the future. For more information, please check our current Privacy Policy.

We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. For a complete overview of of all GDPR related settings, please see this page

We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. For a complete overview of of all GDPR related settings, please see this page

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