GlobalSim Building Full Mission Crane Simulators for West Gulf Maritime Association

GlobalSim Building Full Mission Crane Simulators for West Gulf Maritime Association

GlobalSim is pleased to announce it has contracted with the West Gulf Maritime Association (WGMA) to develop two new Full Mission crane simulators. One of the systems will be used at the WGMA training center in Houston, while another will be delivered to New Orleans, Louisiana.  These simulators will be used to train crane operators on Ship-to-Shore Cranes, Rubber-Tired Gantry Cranes, and Ship Pedestal Cranes.

Both new simulators will feature custom designed software arenas to simulate various port environments in Houston, New Orleans, Gulfport, and Tampa.  In total, WGMA will operate a total of 4 Full Mission crane simulators to train operators in Houston and throughout several states in the gulf region.

“WGMA has proven to be a real leader in training” remarks GlobalSim Vice President, Brad Ball. “These new simulators coincide with a recent upgrade to their existing simulators.  All of them will feature custom environments and port scenes that precisely mimic the real views at each location.”  

GlobalSim and WGMA contracted for the new simulators in spring 2024. The systems are currently in development and testing at GlobalSim headquarters and will be on display during the upcoming GlobalSim conference. Final testing and installation will occur onsite in fall 2024.

Acerca de Global Sim

GlobalSim, Inc. specializes in developing and manufacturing high-end simulators. Widely recognized throughout the world as the leading provider of crane simulators, GlobalSim is focused on developing training systems for the port, construction, industrial, and military markets

About WGMA
La Asociación Marítima del Golfo Occidental acogió dentro de una asociación sin fines de lucro la membresía de propietarios, operadores y agentes de barcos de vapor junto con empresas de estiba y terminales ubicadas en todos los puertos de Texas y el puerto de Lake Charles, Luisiana. Hoy la Asociación ha crecido a más de 200 miembros. La Asociación Marítima del Oeste del Golfo proporciona nómina, servicios de apoyo de nómina y procesa quejas para los estibadores que operan bajo los acuerdos de negociación colectiva y coordina la capacitación de los trabajadores portuarios para promover un entorno de trabajo seguro y eficiente.
